What to Do with Old IT Equipment – Servers, Computers, Laptops & 更多的


克里斯·门宁格 出版日期:2022年4月11日

Are you an IT professional wondering about the latest IT equipment disposal best practices?

信息技术市场已经变得越来越复杂,有不同的专业领域. 确定, 你是你独特工作的专家, but that doesn’t mean you’re an expert at decommissioning IT equipment.

作为IT专业人员,您已经意识到您的组织处理大量敏感数据. 无论是关于内部流程的机密数据还是客户的个人身份信息, it’s important that data on your legacy equipment doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

So, IT资产处置(ITAD)专业人员如何在计算机和Services器处置过程中保护您的数据安全?

If you’ve got 10 or more devices that need disposed, the Park Place team can help! 我们的 安全的ITAD十大赌博正规老平台 可以包括拆卸、包装、运输、审核、回收,甚至IT资产价值回收. 因为我们是回收的IT资产的消费者, the chances that your old equipment holds residual value may be higher!


With the security risks in the market today, you are interested in the 安全 IT资产处置. 信誉良好的公司紧随其后 数据擦除标准,如NIST 800-88全球标准.

在某个时间点, 国防部有自己的标准,叫做国防部信息保障认证和认可程序(DIACAP). 然而, 2014年,国防部采用了NIST标准,将政府和民用标准统一为“通用”数据删除标准.


In short, these standards have been deemed acceptable by government agencies, and will likely provide a safe experience when you’re ready to recycle old IT equipment.


遵循NIST的数据擦除标准可以确保您的安全并符合组织策略, but it’s up to you to ensure those standards are being followed.

大型阵列通常具有来自各自OEM的板载实用程序,用于简单的数据擦除. 您可能认为,呼叫OEM的代表来清除您的数据就是您需要为处置IT设备做准备的全部工作, 但它没有被擦到认可的标准.

engineer following IT equipment disposal best practices

例如,你可能有一个 EOSL戴尔EMC阵列 你想要回收的东西. 如果你打电话给戴尔, 他们可以派一名技术人员到您的处所,使用命令行语言与覆盖您的驱动器的板载实用程序联系. 功能, this process is intended to do the same thing as a NIST-accredited wipe, 但是没有擦除的证明, and it will likely fall short of your organization’s security standards.

不要让你的数据落入坏人之手! 下载我们的白皮书,了解在资产处置过程中降低数据安全风险需要了解的5件事!

因此, when your enterprise faces a computer or server hardware recycling project, turning to an experienced IT asset disposition company is your best bet. Whether your policy requires onsite or offsite erasure and destruction, the proper accreditation and chain of custody must be followed.

场外擦除,破坏 & 回收

无论是在现场还是在场外,您的ITAD合作伙伴仍将使用nist兼容的擦除软件. When you send storage and server racks to an offsite destruction facility, 您可以将单个磁盘从其阵列中拉出, or you can leave them intact—the NIST erasure standard can be met either way.

To get started, your team creates a list of your old IT equipment for your ITAD partner. 在离开数据中心之前, the partner will ensure everything on the list is onboard their vehicles. Once the equipment load has been reconciled with your hardware list, 您的团队将签署可用于确保满足组织政策的设备发布.

现场擦除,破坏 & 回收

Onsite erasure/destruction follows the same standards, 但是从成本的角度来看, 场外破坏的成本要低得多.

现场清除和销毁需要派遣ITAD技术人员带着所需的安全设备和托盘到您的位置,以移除您的驱动器. 这个过程既耗时又昂贵.

If your enterprise policy allows for offsite destruction, it will have less of a negative impact on your IT budget.


Whether you’re in the process of an IT hardware refresh, 数据中心搬迁, 数据中心整合, or 停用数据中心 总的来说,为你的老人做一个计划是值得的 数据中心组件 它不会用于生产.

在处理旧电脑之前, Services器, 网络设备, your team must put together a list of assets for decommissioning. 的 best way to expedite the disposal process is to stick to the asset list 提供给ITAD合作伙伴.

In many organizations, IT Managers, 采购, or 金融 leaders will order the disposition. 然后收集IT资产进行处置,并将其存储在处置团队可以访问的地方. 在订购和发货之间, 对于数据中心技术人员来说,清理设备以寻找可以用于节省的驱动器和内存组件是非常常见的.

如果您的ITAD合作伙伴来取货,而您的清单上的资产与准备发货的资产不匹配, 调整初始订单需要时间.

另外, 如果IT经理, 采购, or 金融 leaders that did the ordering underestimated the assets for disposal, 您的回收合作伙伴将需要花时间调整他们的记录,以增加资产数量. 这也可能需要后勤方面的调整,而在今天的环境中,这是非常难以协调的.


Servers decline in value way faster than laptops and desktops. 的 average server that Park Place Technologies’ ITAD team sees is 5-7 years old.

Unfortunately, Services器 stop having significant value after 3-4 years. If you plan on selling old server equipment that is older than four years, don’t count on recouping much of your asset’s original value.


无论您的资产是准备用于Services器处置还是Services器回收,都需要清除它们. Erasure安全设备连接到您的资产,驱动器被审计和格式化. If it is discovered that your drives are no longer operable, they will require destruction.


When your drives can’t be wiped and repurposed, they must be removed for destruction. 您的驱动器序列号被扫描以保存记录,然后物理驱动器被粉碎. A drive crusher punches through the hard disk spindles and ripples the platters. This process makes it impossible to recover data from the hardware.

After the process is complete for each piece of decommissioned server hardware, 出具销毁证书.


优秀的ITAD专业人员通常可以在您购买时确定Services器是否可以回收, 金融, or IT Manager sends over the list for asset disposition. 一旦他们通过了驱动器审计, 您的Services器组件遵循数据擦除过程,并获得相应的擦除证书. 擦除的驱动器然后被安排重新利用.

在一般情况下, 的驱动器, 内存, processors on Services器 and arrays are taken to their component parts before being repurposed.


笔记本电脑和台式电脑的“老化”速度比Services器慢,可以使用4-5年左右,但仍保留一些价值. 了解如何处理旧电脑, you can simply look above to your old server disposal process.

的 same erasure software that is used for Services器 is used for computers. 然而, 你的台式电脑和笔记本电脑的数据擦除软件存在一个拇指驱动器上,可以插进去执行. 如果您的ITAD合作伙伴遵循NIST标准,那么安全地处理旧笔记本电脑是没有问题的.


如果你的电脑太旧了, there is a strong chance that it will be scheduled for destruction from the start. 然而, 即使是看起来具有转售价值的笔记本电脑和台式电脑,如果硬盘审计发现任何坏扇区,也可能需要销毁.

如果是这样的话, 您的驱动器已被移除, and its serial number is scanned for recordkeeping purposes. 驱动器破碎机然后穿透硬盘主轴,使盘片波纹-使它不可能从您的驱动器恢复数据.

Once this is done, 出具销毁证书.

如果你是一个担心如何妥善处理旧电脑的消费者(而不是一个企业IT专业人员), 原始设备制造商, 零售商, or your local recycling company likely host several IT recycling events throughout the year. If you’re wondering—who takes old computer equipment near me?-浏览此资讯科技回收 环保署的名单 学习如何安全处理旧电脑.


For desktops and laptops that aren’t prohibitively old and pass drive audits, 接下来是数据擦除过程, 随后颁发擦除证书. 电脑组件的处理不同于Services器和网络设备,笔记本电脑和台式机是作为整体出售的,而不是分解到组件级别.


开关, 路由器(有时还有接入点)都是可以由ITAD合作伙伴安全地处置的旧IT设备的例子. You may initially think that network hardware is not like the disposal of computer components, 因为它没有存储任何内存. 然而, IP addresses are frequently stored on your enterprise networking components.

网络设备的数据擦除包括清除IP地址(您不希望为不良行为者提供映射以协调网络上的安全攻击)。. 一旦你的数据被删除, IT asset disposition experts take the chop shop approach, and supervisor cards and network cards are removed for repurposing and/or resale.

的 Right ITAD Partner Keeps Your Organization Secure and Compliant

Park Place Technologies 专业十大赌博正规老平台 is comprised of highly trained field engineers, 项目经理和系统工程师可以帮助促进无缝的IT基础设施支持操作,以补充您的核心团队.

我们的 数据中心专业十大赌博正规老平台 包括可以提供数据中心的IT资产配置专业人员的专门小组 存储迁移, 重新部署资产, 安全的场外或现场数据销毁, 硬件回收和设备转售.

今天就十大赌博平台排行榜的团队 了解我们如何帮助您完成下一个ITAD项目!



克里斯·门宁格 is the IT资产处置 Practice Director at Park Place Technologies.
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